About Me

Northern Goldfields, WA, Australia

Friday, June 8, 2007

I'm trying to hard to work this out!!!

Ooh! you can even change the colour of your text. I like that!

I'm trying hard to work out how this works. This is my first attempt and I would like to thank you all for taking the time to read this.... I hope I have something interesting to say.
This is me. At my best! I don't like mornings at the best of time and really would like to apologise to those who know me about this fact. I am working on that.... however good things come to those who wait!!
So..... about me.
  • I am the sport and recreation coordinator for the Northern Goldfields
  • I have a cat called Hoover. (I love Hoover!)
  • I have two sisters - one older, one younger. (and yes.. I have the middle child syndrome)
  • My dad plays the organ
  • My mum manages the canteen where I went to Primary School. (bless her cotton socks!)
  • I live next door to Ranger Patrick!
  • My best friends live in Bridgetown (Tracey and her beautiful girls Haylee & Chayla!) & Port Hedland (Macca)
  • I love to travel!! I love outback Australia!
  • I like to sleep
  • I am trying to quit smoking
  • I am studying sports management externally.

I think that will do for now....... I want to see what this will look like and then I will keep on posting!! This could become addictive!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


About bloody time you have got your blog up and running, a little disorganised but hey what else can we expect!! (only joking) - don't worry we will have it looking picture perfect when we have some free time together, you will have the best blog out. YOU GO GIRL.