About Me

Northern Goldfields, WA, Australia

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I brought a camera!! yah!! Some pain in the neck child stood on mine on the weekend during the football... not happy jan.... But I did leave it lying around with the rest of my things... I got a few lectures about being irresponsible leaving my phone... keys etc.. lying around. I'm just a trustworthy person! Not anymore.

I saw this camera on ebay while I was waiting for my new printer software to download...... There was 5 minutes to go and I thought what the heck! I fought someone tooth and nail to the death and WON! I've been gipped EVERY time I have brought someting electronic on ebay.... so I hope this is different. The pictures nice!!!

Anyways... check the link out on the top right hand corner!

Monday, July 9, 2007

Congratulations to our inagural winner of employee of the month!! No-one can drink as much ice coffee or smoke as many ciggys as this champ!! Well done.

Your efforts have been noted and you will recieve a carton of ice coffee in the mail. It will be delivered straight to your local SHELL where you will need to courtsey to the manager and ask very nicely for your prize!