This is my first post on my holidays!! Just an update for all my fans! I hope I have some because at the moment I feel like ole Bridget Jones with NO Messages.... My work phone hasn't even rung... Only Mikayla has rung me on it... 'sigh'.
Well lets see.....
DEAR DOROTHY... Ooops, I mean DIARY,
I arrived in Perth at 8.20PM with mum and dad dressed to impress at National Jet Airport. Dad has brought a new car and was busily showing off, when the alarm went off and he couldn't work out how to turn it off. Every time he turned the car on it went. They spent 15 minutes with it beep beep beep beep beeping until I suggested getting the manual out! Lo and behold the trick to it was in opening the boot and then simply CLOSING it!! Meanwhile I had 10 or 20 miners in fits of laughter whilst I lay in the back wondering what I had just arrived to.
I went to bed nice and early and didn't get up until 9am! Heaven. Mum, dad and I went to Hillarys for lunch. The italian cafe. mmmm. I was then told that my dad's medal presentation was at Government House and that the Governor was there. I was told that I would NOT be able to use my IPOD and Jeans were not appropriate. Great. Mum made me go buy some nice pin stripe pants........ (bargain - $25.00).
I decided to catch up with my old mates from Shaftesbury Ave last night.... I stayed at my friend Kaths........ She wasn't expecting me, but we still managed to polish off three bottles of RED wine!! uggg. I was not well thismorning and then I got the call that I was required to help in the canteen cos mum had no helpers.... Just what I needed. Packing all the baskets and making Hamburgers........ I had to do my good deed though..... I then went and brought an FM tuner which plugs in to my car and plays my Ipod or MP3 player. (whatever).
I am driving around in my NEW beaut car. I got it insured and the market value was $7,700 and I only paid $3,600. Treat! Brilliant. It drives like a dream. It's im immaculate condition, with the only fault being that I have to wind the windows up and down myself....... That's ok though because it will mean my biceps will have a work out!
Did I mention that I went to Hungry Jacks and got a whopper? My hangover cure. I wanted to curl up on the lounge with a dvd, but dad was in a cleaning frenzy because there is an organist coming to stay for 4 days who is doing a concert on Sunday. Thankgod I'm going to Bridgetown!!
Tomorrow I'm getting a spot cut off my back. That's my excitement. As you can see I'm really living it up!! haha!
Anyways... I'll sign off for now.
With love.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
There is no reality only perception
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
My Neighbour

My Neighbour Patrick!!
What a champ..... he mows the lawns, waters the plants and watches my cat Hoover!
I'm wondering what I can do in return.... I try to be a good neighbour and not make too much noise!
Somehow I always seems to get Patrick in good shots! Above left - at the Golden Gift judging the races in 2006. Above right, Nurse Macca getting Patrick ready for his sponge bath!!
Above - fireman patrick dousing the flames at dinner.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Look out Leo! - Macca's Back!

This is a scary sight..... Macca...... back in action! She has moved to the country - from the country and will be looking for work... Once she wakes up and unpacks the car that is.. I'm not sure how all her stuff is going to fit in my little unit. We will make it work. It is going to be a good challenge for us to share a house as we are both used to being by ourselves and now will have to learn patience and compromise....... Macca will soon learn it's my way or the highway!
Welcome to our little town Macca! Can't wait to party with you!
Welcome Back Benny Boy!

Weren't the eagles great on the weekend??? It was fantastic to see Ben play so well after coming back from his 'substance abuse' problems. Who knows if he is fully rehabilitated or not, however he is a fantastic player with a likeable and cheeky grin. Who could possibly stay angry at him after all that has happened. He is only human after all.
I think that Ben has been a victim of the rise of corporate sport... similar to workers in the mining industry who are paid bucketfuls of money - more than they know what to do with. Ben had the added presssure of being watched wherever and whenever he went anywhere. Imagine what we would find if we followed the life of a mine worker for a month or two. Do you really think we would see no indiscretions and workers who are not only %100 committed to their work? Do you think we would see family men and women putting this money to good use? I'm not so sure. In this changing society, the grab for cash is on the rise... for many reasons, and perhaps with some guidance, those in industry's where $$ is the driving factor, could put their cash to good use rather than portraying themselves as cashed up kings who can buy their way in to peoples lives or out of trouble.....
Mine workers, and even executives in high paid jobs are not that different to young Ben Cousins... They are all entitled to lead the life they choose, however they do not have their daily lives portrayed in the media on a regular basis. This is lucky as who knows what we would find out... it could be the end of the mining industry as we know it.......!!

Well..... I travelled to LA yesterday for the BHP Community Cup.......
It was a fantastic day with Laverton winning both the netball and football to make it a very competitive competition!
Unfortuneatly I think perhaps I need to spend some time in training for these events or something as I must have put on a size in clothes.... just take a look what happened to me early in the day when I tried to re-position the BHP Logo!
My excuse for the day was that I was barracking for Laverton as they are black and white and these were the colours showing when I split my pants!!
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