About Me

Northern Goldfields, WA, Australia

Sunday, July 22, 2007


Well..... I travelled to LA yesterday for the BHP Community Cup.......

It was a fantastic day with Laverton winning both the netball and football to make it a very competitive competition!

Unfortuneatly I think perhaps I need to spend some time in training for these events or something as I must have put on a size in clothes.... just take a look what happened to me early in the day when I tried to re-position the BHP Logo!

My excuse for the day was that I was barracking for Laverton as they are black and white and these were the colours showing when I split my pants!!


Anonymous said...

Shake that booty !

Anonymous said...

ahhhhhh smelllo you're a funny kid!!! Maybe you should start bringing backup clothing in the back of your car for those 'just in case' moments hahahaha